This blog will be mainly focused on my own experiences with computers and software. Both I am using now purely as a user and hobbyist. Also I comment on interesting news about ICT, privacy and combinations of both. In deze blog zal het voornamelijk gaan over ervaringen met computers en software waar ik tegenwoordig alleen nog hobbymatig mee bezig ben en mijn commentaar op imo interessante nieuwsberichten op het gebied van ICT, privacy en de combinatie van beide.

zondag 8 april 2012

When the cops subpoena your Facebook information, here's what Facebook sends the cops

The Phoenix Boston blog does give a interesting insigth of what information Facebook stores and make available to the cops when asked. Besides the obvious account information as date of birth, address etc. they also give a list of friends, used ip-addresses, logs etc. The information in the Phoenix files goes back to 2009 and at that date they apparently already stored tagged photos on other accounts which identifies the suspect in this case. If you ever wondered what privacy remains on Facebook the answer is nothing you, your family your friends or foes ever posted on Facebook.
It also reminds me why I do not have a Facebook account.

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