This blog will be mainly focused on my own experiences with computers and software. Both I am using now purely as a user and hobbyist. Also I comment on interesting news about ICT, privacy and combinations of both. In deze blog zal het voornamelijk gaan over ervaringen met computers en software waar ik tegenwoordig alleen nog hobbymatig mee bezig ben en mijn commentaar op imo interessante nieuwsberichten op het gebied van ICT, privacy en de combinatie van beide.

dinsdag 28 februari 2012

IBM touts quantum computing breakthrough

Computerworld has the story that IBM reached another breakthrough in quantum computing. The breakthrough allowed scientists to reduce data error rates in elementary computations while maintaining the integrity of quantum mechanical properties in quantum bits of data, known as qubits. It will probably take another 15 years before the first real quantum computers are build but they are at least not only theoretical possible anymore.

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